Dil de safey song lyrics- Shivjot Singh (Ford vs Ford)

Dil de Safey song is sung by punjabi singer shivjot sing after a big hit of his debut song “Ford vs Ford”.

Song : – Dil de safey

Singer : – Shivjot Singer

Category : – Punjabi song

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Zindagi ae muk challi, Par ik reej adhoori ae
Zindagi ae muk challi, Par ik reej adhoori ae
Tu bol ke das yaara, eh ki majboori ae

sab khed lakkera da eh kise nu na diseya
Mere dil de safeya te tera naam peya likheya
Unjh samajh na ishqe di, shareaam peya likheya

Tere bin zindagi nu kive zindage mai samajha
Dil hai nasamajh jeha, eh samajhe na ramjha
Tere bin zindagi nu kive zindage mai samajha
Dil hai nasamajh jeha, eh samajhe na ramjha
Nit akhiyan mildiyan ne eh kujh bhi na sikheya
Mere dil de safeya te tera naam peya likheya
Unjh samajh na ishqe di, shareaam peya likheya
Mere dil de safeya te tera naam peya likheya

Taliiyan di kadar kuch te aakhir nu aa pendi
Dil tenu hi laake na kite hor nazar pendi
Taliiyan di kadar kuch te aakhir nu aa pendi
Dil tenu hi laake na kite hor nazar pendi
BaIman ae samajhe na jo dil te hai likheya
Mere dil de safeya te tera naam peya likheya
Unjh samaj na ishqe di, shareaam peya likheya
Mere dil de safeya te tera naam peya likheya.

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