Sleepless lyrics AP Dhollon Youtube video Mp3 Song.
Sleepless lyrics AP Dhollon⭐⭐⭐: Sleepless is a latest song by punjabi singer AP Dhillon music is given by castello beats and lyrics are penned by Shinda Kahlon. Team has given overall rating of 7.2 out of 10.
Ve Mai Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth Royi Chann Ve
Meri Neendar Kidhar Aaa Khoyi Chann Ve
Mai Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth Royi Chann Ve
Meri Neendar Kidhar Aa Khoyi Chann Ve
Izzat Gavayi Naale Gavaiyan Nazdeekiyan
Lekha’n Di Maari Khalli Kandha bhi Ne Cheekhiyan
Gal Andar Di Kyu Na Tu Gal Andar Di Kyu Na Tu dhoyi Chann Ve
Ve Mai Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth Royi Chann Ve Meri Neendar Kidhar Aa
Massla Maluk Aye Kathor Ni Challda Ki Kara Dill Uttey Zor Ni Chalda
Meri Sudh-Budh Mere Ton, Meri Sudh-Budh Mere Ton Lukoyi Chann Ve
Ve Mai Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth Royi Chann Ve
Meri Neendar Kidhar Aa Khoyi Chann Ve
Ve Main Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth Royi Chann Ve
Meri Neendar Kidhar Aa Khoyi Chann Ve
Ve Mai Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth
Raatan Nu Uth-Uth Royi Chann Ve, Ve Main Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth
Raatan’ Nu Uth-Uth Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth Royi Chann Ve
Meri Neendar Kidhar Aa Khoyi Chann Ve
Ve Mai Raatan Nu Uth-Uth Royi Chann Ve
Meri Neendar Kidhar Aa Khoyi Chann Ve
Main Raata’n Nu Uth-Uth Royi Chann Ve
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